============================== In the framework of the directives of His Excellency Mr. El-Sayed El-Qusayr, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, and the efforts of the Ministry of Agri
A new achievement for the Central Pesticide Residues Center (Q-CAP) by granting the ISO to the Training Center from the National Accreditation Council (EGAC)
Within the framework of the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Mr. Al-Qaseer, to continue and improve the quality of services provided to workers in the agr
الخروج من الصندوق في منظومة تداول المبيدات
علينا أن نسأل أنفسنا بكل صدق : هل نحن بصدد منظومة جديدة لتداول المبيدات في مصر ؟ في الواقع نحتاج أن التدقيق قليلا للاجابة على هذا السؤال للقطع فيه بالايجاب او السلب ، و حتى نكون على أرض صلبة عند الاجا
المرأه الريفية و الحد من مخاطر التعرض للمبيدات
فى ظل ما يوجهه العالم من انتشار الامراض الوبائيه والامراض المسرطنه نجد حرص الدوله على زيادة حملات التوعيه الصحيه والبيئه والزراعيه . تمثل المرآه الريفيه ما يقرب من نصف المجتمع الريفي و أكدت الدراسات و
فترة ما قبل الحصاد
فى اطار حرص مصر الشديد على سلامة الغذاء استضافت مصر مؤتمر الغذاء الافريقى لمحاربة الجوع و الاستفادة من التكنولوجيا الحديثه لزيادة الانتاج الزراعى ذو الجوده العاليه والخالى من الملوثات . من هنا اود ان
The Central Committee for Pesticide Residues and the Chamber of Food Industries sign a cooperation protocol to serve the food industry sector in Egypt
The Central Committee for Pesticide Residues and the Chamber of Food Industries sign a cooperation protocol to serve the food industry sector in Egypt The Central Laboratory for the analysis of pestic
In continuation of the constructive cooperation between the Council and the Central Laboratory for Pesticide Residues and Heavy Elements in Food of the Ministry of Agriculture in accordance with the protocol concluded between the two sides since 2008
In continuation of the constructive cooperation between the Council and the Central Laboratory for Pesticide Residues and Heavy Elements in Food of the Ministry of Agriculture in accordance with the p
A high-level Saudi delegation headed by the Vice President of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority inspects the Central Bank for pesticide residues
A high-level Saudi delegation headed by the Vice President of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority inspects the Central Bank for pesticide residues A high-level Saudi delegation headed by the Vice Presid
The Central Pesticide Residues and The Agriculture Export Council have concluded an Webinar with the exporters
The Central Pesticide Residues and The Agriculture Export Council have concluded an Webinar with the exporters Within the framework of the role of the Central Laboratory for analyzing pesticide residu
Dr. Ghada Ali and Dr. Mohamed Soliman inspect the QCAP laboratory
Dr. Ghada Ali, a member of Parliament for the Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians, and Dr. Muhammad Suleiman, head of the Agricultural Research Center, inspect the QCAP laboratory. This visi