- Proficiency Testing and Performance Evaluation Standards Unit (PTP)
Since October 2009, the QCAP-PTP Unit has been dedicated and operational to ensure the accuracy and reliability of proficiency testing programs for food laboratories. QCAP-PTP Unit is an accredited ILAC-MRA proficiency testing provider from June 2018, ensuring that participants adhere to internationally recognized standards.
QCAP-PTPcovers a wide range of various disciplines, and provides a comprehensive proficiency assessment for your laboratory including food, water, and swab samples for the following accredited chemistry and microbiology proficiency schemes:
- Microbiology proficiency testing schemes (Food).
Enumeration of yeast, Enumeration of Mould, Enumeration of Coagulase positive Staphylococci, Enumeration of Bacillus cereus, Enumeration of Shigella, Enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes, Enumeration of Clostridium perfringens, Detection of Salmonella, Enumeration of Total plate count, Enumeration of E. coli, Enumeration of Fecal coliforms, Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae, Enumeration of Enterococcus fecalis, detection of pathogenic Vibrio, and detection of genetically modified organism (GMO).
- Microbiology proficiency testing schemes (Water).
Enumeration of Fecal Streptococci, Enumeration of Legionella pneumophila, Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae, Detection of Salmonella, Enumeration of Coliforms, Enumeration of E. coli, Enumeration of TPC at 22 °C, Enumeration of TPC at 37 °C.
- Microbiology proficiency testing schemes (Swab).
Detection of Salmonella, Enumeration of Total plate count, Detection of Listeria monocytogenes, Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae, Enumeration of Coliform and Enumeration of E. coli.
- Chemistry proficiency testing schemes (Food).
Determination of Total Aflatoxin (B1, B2,G1,G2), Determination of Ash Content, Determination of Protein Content, Determination of Moisture Content, Determination of Fat Content, Determination of pesticides residue.
- Chemistry proficiency testing schemes (Water).
Determination of pH and Determination of heavy metals.
Join QCAP Lab participants worldwide who rely on QCAP-PTP for their food proficiency testing needs. Get in touch with us to learn more about our programs and how we can help you achieve quality assurance goals in your lab.

For applications and prices, select your PT samples from the annual plan in the application sheet provided below
and send the application back to QCAP-PTP mail “Qcapptunit@gmail.com” for further arrangements of dispatching samples, charging the fees, and receipt of the evaluation report.